Online Reservation System:
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Contract period & Cancellation

Compare the short Bitpalace contract periods with other providers. Bitpalace's short contract periods gives you added freedom and security.


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 from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: +49 30 32 70 18 92, Fax (in Germany) +49 30 32 70 18 91 

Skype: bitpalast

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webhosting services offered on this website will be billed on a monthly basis for the respective current month, on the first day of each month.

  • The contract period of web space is 1 calendar month. They can be cancelled at the end of each calendar month, providing a four week notice.
  • The contract period of domain names is 1 year. They can be cancelled to the end of the year-long period providing a four week notice.
  • Therefore, the minimum contract period for web hosting services is two months, for domain names it is one year.
  • You may move your webhosting to another provider at any time. However, the rental fee of domain names up to the end of the contract period is non-refundable. Pre-paid, unused rental fees for web space will be refunded.

Cancellations due to changes – e.g. if you want to move from a large server to a smaller one – will be subject to the same four-week notice period. Upgrades of existing services will be treated as new orders and can be added immediately.

  • Domain names must be rented for a period of one year. Domain names will be billed at the beginning of each year.

Domain names may be cancelled or transferred to another provider before the one-year period has elapsed. However, the domain name rental fee for the unused period is non-refundable. By an ICANN rule many domain names, e.g. .com, .net, .org, .info and .biz, may not be transferred to new providers or owners within the first 60 days after registration or modification of the ownership record.


Online contract termination form 





  from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: +49 30 32 70 18 92 •  GmbH, Sensburger Allee 27, D-14055 Berlin (Germany)
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