Online Reservation System:
Software, database & hosting

For practically every website application, e.g. Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, HTML- & PHP/MySQL websites, bulletin boards and online shops.
From permanently  2.31 US$ () /month

Includes a free or greatly reduced domain name and your own free SSL/TLS certificate (https://).

 from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines:+49 30 32 70 18 92
Also open for you on Saturdays & Sundays.


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Premium support for Bitpalace web hosting customers only!

 from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: +49 30 32 70 18 92, Fax (in Germany) +49 30 32 70 18 91 

Skype: bitpalast

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  • For Wordpress, Joomla, Redaxo, Symphony
    & any other major content management system
  • For self-made homepages,
    e.g. simple XHTML or dynamic PHP/MySQL
  • For OXID eSales, Gambio, osCommerce, xt:Commerce, Shopware
    & any other major online shop
  • For phpBB, vBulletin, Woltlab Burning Board
    & any other major board software
  • Install applications yourself or install more than 60 applications by the click of your mouse, including well known apps like Drupal, Joomla!, WordPress, modified-shop, osCommerce, Prestashop, moodle, phpBB, EasyGallery, Mantis Bug Tracker, osTicket, DokuWiki mediawiki.


Für  2.31 US$ () /month.
50 GB, unlimited MySQL databases, unlimited e-mail users, SSL/TLS certificate for your domain, SSL for e-mail, mailinglist server, unlimited FTP, SSL for FTP, PHP, unlimited domains (1 included) & subdomains, unlimited traffic, Plesk control panel, free premium and phone support and more … Free set-up. No hidden costs. Terminable monthly with a notice period of only four weeks.

Ready by today at about 4 am5 if ordered now.

A Starter Server is already in your basket.





  from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines: +49 30 32 70 18 92 •  GmbH, Sensburger Allee 27, D-14055 Berlin (Germany)
Your purchase is tax-free, because you order from a non-EU country. 5) In the timezone KMT (America/St_Vincent). The allocation time is an estimate based on experience. The actual allocation depends on many influences. 7) Your test remains free of charge, if you give notice of termination within the test period. If operation continues beyond the test period, you will receive your first bill including the testing period and the subsequent billing period. 8) When paying by direct debit or by Visa or Mastercard for invoice totals of at least 6.62 US$ /month. © 2024  GmbH. All rights reserved. and the logo are registered trademarks of GmbH. For photo credits see imprint.

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